Apr 18, 2013

Saving Money

Life seems to be so busy lately.  With that said, money seems to be just as busy as we are!  It seems like there is always another bill to pay, item to buy or a needed money exchange to be leaving our pockets (or bank accounts seeing how cash isn't so popular now a days).

We are constantly looking for ways to save money.  it seems like everyone has something that works for them.  Some say to have multiple bank accounts, while others say just to have one so you can see how much or how little you really do have.  Some people advise the use of credit cards while others say that they only increase spending and encourage more debt. 

I am not a financial advisor!  I honestly would not want to be.  Money stresses me out!  I am not fond of it!  There is no way I would want to be in charge of helping others manage their money.  However, I thought I could share a few things with you that I have found and am finding helpful for us.

We put money aside.  When we get change, we put it into a jar.  When we recieve cash, we put it in an envelope.  All that money becomes our "fun" money.  If we want to buy something that is not a need, it comes from that.  If we don't have enough, we don't buy it. 

We do use a credit card.  However, we pay it off completely each month.  Thus, we do not accrue any interest but we earn points for all of our purchases.  Then, we get to take our points and get cash back, which I put in our savings account. 

Our savings account is off limits.  It is for EMERGENCIES only.  So, for those times when a car breaks down, or water heater breaks we have cusion money. 

Finally, I am one of those people that some may hate to wait behind at the store.  I price match.  I also use coupons.  For example, the other day I price matched nearly my whole transaction and then had a coupon for almost every item.  I had four items that ended up being completely free (I actually got paid $.01 to take each of them home) and then when I got home, I took a picture of my receipt and got more money off through some apps that are available.  We have found that the cost of a newspaper subscription (I pay a little under $12 a month for 4 newspapers each Sunday) is usually about what I save in one grocery trip.  I go four times a month, so it is well worth the money.  If you aren't one to go through ads each week so you can price match, or one to keep track of your coupons, you can try these apps.  I don't always buy items that are available, however sometimes after I pair a price match and a coupon with the app, I can get them free. 



Those are the big things we do to save money.  Do you have any other items that help you and your family to be a little more conservative when it comes to spending?

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