Apr 10, 2013


I have been reflecting upon relationships a lot lately... Spousal relationships, friendships, extended family relationships, acquaintances... I have come to this conclusion: if it matters, then time needs to be given to it. Whatever is put in is what is reaped.

As I consider my relationships, I can see, from hindsight, how this is true. Those times when I put effort and time into the relationship it grew, was more stable, and returned ten fold! The times I became casual and did not give to the relationship, the flame would flicker. It did not always go out, however if I did not assess the relationship and decide to make a change, it would fizzle and die.

I believe that all too often we become casual in those relationships that matter most! That we take for granted those that we should appreciate the most, and moreover that we treat them as though they are not the ones that we love and rely upon.

Take the time to step back. Evaluate your relationships. Ask yourself if your voice needs softened with your loved ones. If there needs to be more meekness in your step. Do you need to  listen more intently and have more patience. Those whom we love deserve our best self. Not our left-over selves! Tomorrow is a new day. Build those relationships that matter Mose and give the, the attention they deserve!

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