Apr 12, 2013

It is not always the size that matters...

There is a lot of hype right now with food storage (which I totally agree with).  Everyone should have a supply of food, water and emergency supplies.  Some may only be able to have a few weeks, others my have a year.  Whatever your circumstance permits, that is what you should have and strive to build upon. 

With that said, not all food storage is created equal!  Just so you are aware.... Recently I overheard people comparing prices of food storage (which is smart!  You want to get the most bang for your buck, right? Me too!).  They were comparing prices of #10 cans of different food storage companies and stores that carry food storage.  I started a price comparison sheet, but it will take me a while to really do it, so just a note as you are purchasing items.  Don't just look at the size, but check the ounces, or how much of the product there actually is! 

If you would like a price comparison sheet, email me or message me and I will get one to you as soon as I have it done (the more interest the faster I may go).  And remember, when looking at THRIVE prices, you are able to get DEEP discounts such as FREE and 1/2 off!  Most of the other places don't give you that much of a discount.  Just contact me so we can get you all set up and getting reduced prices for AMAZING product!

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