May 20, 2014

Self Reliance through Gardening

 Part of "living on cents" and "preparing shelves" is finding ways to be more self reliant.  Not only does gardening save money, but it also can be very useful with teaching children and building a self esteem to see what you have created.  There are several ways to garden: and I think each person needs to choose the way that they enjoy the most.  I grew up with a grandpa that had a large area to farm and thus, I mimic much of what I learned.

The  most important thing I have learned throughout my years however; is to plant what you eat. If you don't like beets-don't plant beets.  If your family loves corn-plant more of it!  By planting what you eat, you will save money and possibly be able to freeze or preserve what you enjoy. 

Having learned this lesson the hard way, this year we made sure to follow those guidelines.  We have our peas, onions (we use them for cooking and then I will make salsa), carrots, a few radishes (we mix the 2 together to help to thin the carrots), then a tomatillo plant (I am so excited about this), some peppers, tomatoes and different squashes and pumpkins.  Our kids helped plant everything and have loved watching items come up and grow.  We have been able to use the garden as many "teaching moments".  We also have found that if we go out every couple days, the chore of weeding is not as grueling and goes much quicker. USU is also a great resource for gardening and yard help.

What are some tricks you have for your garden? Or what kind of garden do you do?    

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