Apr 30, 2013


I am a culprit of this very thing. I hear stories like this, and pledge to avoid the very thing, and I do, for a while. I then fall right back in the pattern of doing it...

Distractions while driving

What do you think of when you hear this words together? I read this story today, and it reminded me of the dangers associated with driving and allowing our focus to be anywhere but on the road.

I am once again going to begin my road journeys with my phone out of site. I will focus on the task at hand; driving. Driving is not the time to be a multi- tasker. There are too many lives at stake. Mine, the children in my backseat, any other passengers I may have, the car that I have never met before, or the pedestrians I may have never met. I don't want to be responsible for changing anyone's life so drastically due to a phone and something that was not as important as a life....

Texting and Driving

Apr 29, 2013


Mondays often bring a renewed energy to life. It is the beginning of a week where everything I did wrong last week or even yesterday, I can change and improve upon. It is a start to being better, or at least trying.

On Sundays ilike to sit and plan for the week ahead. What meals I will be making. What appointments we have. What family activities we can do. I get so excited. I think, I will wake up earlier. I will get more done.... And then it happens....


Or less than my body needs.... When the alarm goes off, I ignore it...  When I think about all that needs done, or I have planned to do, I just want to crawl into my warm bed and rest my tired eyes. Everything I do, I do because I have two precious little children in the rooms beside me. But, I also feel exhausted because of those two little children who had a difficult night.

I needed a pick me up. I reminder that I am not alone and I am doing alright.

... Moved by that kind of devotion and determination, may I say to mothers collectively, in the name of the Lord, you are magnificent. You are doing terrifically well. The very fact that you have been given such a responsibility is everlasting evidence of the trust your Father in Heaven has in you. He knows that your giving birth to a child does not immediately propel you into the circle of the omniscient. If you and your husband will strive to love God and live the gospel yourselves; if you will plead for that guidance and comfort of the Holy Spirit promised to the faithful; if you will go to the temple to both make and claim the promises of the most sacred covenants a woman or man can 
make in this world; if you will show others, including your children, the same caring, compassionate, forgiving heart you want heaven to show you; if you try your best to be the best parent you can be, you will have done all that a human being can do and all that God expects you to do.

As long as I am trying! Heavenly Father will accept my constant effort. The rest of the talk is just as amazing as this part... Because She is a Mother.  

If you need a good reminder that, you are amazing, read this talk. It is a good way to gain a little more mobility for a hard day and know that your efforts are seen and appreciated by a loving Heavenly Father! 

Apr 26, 2013

Gluten Free

I was tested a while ago for different food allergies.  I was able to go through a couple of them pretty fast to see what my body did when I ate them.  There were two others, that I have to admit, I have not wanted to eliminate from my diet to see what they do!  I guess I felt like, if I didn't know, then the symptoms would not bother me (for example; peanuts.  I took them out of my diet and reintroduced them to find that they were the culprit or at least partially responsible for headaches that made it impossible to do the daily tasks a mother should be able to do).  One of the foods I have just continued to eat, is wheat.  The thought of taking it out of my diet is horrific.  I love wheat.  I love everything that is made with wheat.  But, alas, I was recently talking to someone who has taken gluten out of her diet and many of her symptoms are things that I have (and are driving me batty!).  So, next week I am going gluten free (which means my family is too!). 

With the thought of how this could impact our lives (if it really is gluten that is making me crazy, we will go gluten free in our house), I thought about how it affects our food storage too.  Thankfully, Thrive Life has a whole line of Gluten Free products that are tested to ensure quality and that they are Gluten Free. 

If you would like a list of the gluten free foods or want to know a price, just leave me a message or feel free to contact me through my website:  Thrive Life Website  (I can get you a better price then even those listed on my website quite often). 

If you know of any good gluten free recipes, I would love to have them.  I would also be looking for gluten free/dairy free if you have any of those!  Please SHARE!

Apr 25, 2013


As I have said before, I am a very cautious shopper.  I price match.  I use coupons.  I stock up when there are sales and don't very often buy things at full price.  Another way to save a little money is with REBATES.  Sometimes, I pass them up because the amount I have to spend is out of my budget.  However, I make sure that I use them and take full advantage of them when it is within budget and especially when it happens to be items I buy regularly. 

I am sure there are more rebates than this available right now, but I thought I would share two with you that I have taken advantage of just recently. 

* The thing I really appreciated with specifically the P&G rebate, was that you could have the $50 subtotal BEFORE coupons!  So I actually spent quite a bit less and then also got the $15 rebate. 

P&G Rebate

Kimberly-Clark Rebate

If you know of any others, let us know so we can enjoy saving money together :)

Apr 24, 2013


Today I had the opportunity to join some neighborhood friends and go to the zoo with our kiddos. It was a beautiful day with perfect weather and just the right sun. It was even more fun because the animals seemed to enjoy the day too.

As we were walking through the zoo, I enjoyed having the opportunity to just focus on my kids. I didn't have technology to distract me, chores that were begging to be done, or other items on the "to do" list that were anxiously competing for my attention.

But it also gave me more time to think about them. The innocence they have. How pure they are. How perfect their little minds are. They are learning constantly. Like my post yesterday, they are sponges. They are eagerly waiting to soak in new things. It is our job, to provide them the atmosphere to become the amazing little things they can be.

The event that really got me thinking, was when we went to see the gorillas. The zoo has a mom, dad, and baby. As the baby slept, the parents fought. Many of the visitors followed the gorillas back and forth from room to room. I have to admit, I did too! It seemed funny. Harmless. The female continually swung her blanket at the male as his frustration just grew. He occasionally swatted at her and she would quickly climb to where he could not get to her. Then a few moments later it would begin again. I had not thought about how it could appear to my sweet children.  As I held Bug, she smiled and pointed to the gorillas as they went back and forth; however, I soon realized that my ignorance was impacting Snuggles. He had quickly found my side and snuggled in, head turned away from the gorillas. I put him on my knee and held him so he could see. He covered his eyes... I then realized that my sweet little boy could feel the contention being emulated from these animals. I quickly gathered our things, and walked out the door.

Some would say that we need to not shelter our children. They should experience the harsh realities of this world. I would say, it is our responsibility as parents, adults, and authority figures to provide safe environments for the children around us. I was grateful that the contention made him uncomfortable. It shows it is foreign. He does not experience that. I pray that it stays that way.

That was my thought for the day... If things are foreign, uncommon, uncomfortable; our children will steer away from those things. Those things that we don't want them doing, they will not want to do. Not to say that as they get older, there should not be conversations about those things, because there should be. But if it is not acceptable, it should not be in the home.

Apr 23, 2013


Have you ever noticed how children are like sponges. Sounds, words, actions all are quickly learned and copied (especially the ones that you might not want to be copied).

With my two children I try to constantly provide them with items that will enhance their learning and help them to become better children, friends, and citizens of the community. We limit tv use in our home and are very aware of the surrounding we as well as our children are in.

I don't want to sound like a "Molly Mormon" but I am a firm believer that things can and do affect us. If we are constantly around things that are offensive, we will soon begin to accept them and become numb.

It was recently brought to my attention that the FCC wants to "relax" decency standards. This could mean female frontal nudity and the "F" bomb on prime time tv.  In my book, that is NOT okay. If you would like to read more about it, you can click on the link to read the article I found....FCC relaxed

There is a link in the article so that you can also file a complaint if you feel as I do.... There is enough filth around, lets not let more in our homes....

Apr 22, 2013


Family is such an important aspect of our lives. Whether it be our children and spouse or extended family, we are who we are in part because of them.

Those that are living have an important role in our lives, but so do those that have passed on. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints recently amended their genealogy site. Now anyone who wants to use it can! You don't have to be a member to access the information that many have worked so hard to find.

You can now also add photos and personal stories that you may have about ancestors.  This is the thing I am most excited about. Those journals and other stories no longer are just known by those who inherited them, but can be shared with everyone.

I encourage you to take a look... Experience family history... See who has made you who you are.

Family Search

Apr 18, 2013

Saving Money

Life seems to be so busy lately.  With that said, money seems to be just as busy as we are!  It seems like there is always another bill to pay, item to buy or a needed money exchange to be leaving our pockets (or bank accounts seeing how cash isn't so popular now a days).

We are constantly looking for ways to save money.  it seems like everyone has something that works for them.  Some say to have multiple bank accounts, while others say just to have one so you can see how much or how little you really do have.  Some people advise the use of credit cards while others say that they only increase spending and encourage more debt. 

I am not a financial advisor!  I honestly would not want to be.  Money stresses me out!  I am not fond of it!  There is no way I would want to be in charge of helping others manage their money.  However, I thought I could share a few things with you that I have found and am finding helpful for us.

We put money aside.  When we get change, we put it into a jar.  When we recieve cash, we put it in an envelope.  All that money becomes our "fun" money.  If we want to buy something that is not a need, it comes from that.  If we don't have enough, we don't buy it. 

We do use a credit card.  However, we pay it off completely each month.  Thus, we do not accrue any interest but we earn points for all of our purchases.  Then, we get to take our points and get cash back, which I put in our savings account. 

Our savings account is off limits.  It is for EMERGENCIES only.  So, for those times when a car breaks down, or water heater breaks we have cusion money. 

Finally, I am one of those people that some may hate to wait behind at the store.  I price match.  I also use coupons.  For example, the other day I price matched nearly my whole transaction and then had a coupon for almost every item.  I had four items that ended up being completely free (I actually got paid $.01 to take each of them home) and then when I got home, I took a picture of my receipt and got more money off through some apps that are available.  We have found that the cost of a newspaper subscription (I pay a little under $12 a month for 4 newspapers each Sunday) is usually about what I save in one grocery trip.  I go four times a month, so it is well worth the money.  If you aren't one to go through ads each week so you can price match, or one to keep track of your coupons, you can try these apps.  I don't always buy items that are available, however sometimes after I pair a price match and a coupon with the app, I can get them free. 



Those are the big things we do to save money.  Do you have any other items that help you and your family to be a little more conservative when it comes to spending?

Apr 16, 2013

Tiny toes

Toddlers keep me on my toes, just as much as they are on theirs!  Have you ever just watched little ones and their sweet little feet and toes. 

Those sweet little extremities can do so much good and learn so quickly!  In a child's first three years of life so many synapses are created and so much is happening in their brains.  This is a vital time for them to be learning. This may sound nerve wracking to a parent who does not know how to teach their child, but the comforting thing is, that children learn most through PLAY! 

Some of our favortie times are those spent building towers with blocks, doing puzzles, reading books, singing songs, coloring, dumping and dancing.  It is all fun and my kids LOVE it.  What I love even more, is that they are LEARNING! 

Learning does not always happen in a "school" setting.  It does not mean that they are sitting and listening quietly.  It may not even mean that the colors are in the lines... 

Learning means that they are exploring.  They are finding out who they are.  How the world  works.  How things go together.  They may push their boundaries; this is learning too.  Take the time to watch those little fingers and toes.  Enjoy them, because someday they won't have the little wrinkles they do now.  Interact with them.  Play with them.  Be with them!  This is the best teaching you can do for and with them!

Apr 15, 2013

An Eternal Perspective

I had planned on writing something else today; but alas, real world happens and THIS is what I feel I should write. 

We are in a world where we feel, see, experience and hear of much turmoil and trouble.  Sometimes the turmoil and confusion comes because of choices we make but all too often it comes from the choices of others or because of other uncontrollable circumstances.  It seems that when things seem calm that is when the tempest rages. 

During those times of sorrow, hurt, and not knowing why or how there are opportunities to find comfort and peace.  We may not understand in the moment, we may not understand soon after, and it is a posibility that we may not EVER understand while we are on this Earth.  However, we need to remember that we are each sent here to do a work.  It is a work that no one else can do as well as we can. We are also here to help strengthen and lift each other.  Sometimes, things happen so that we can recieve blessings from others. 

Whatever your trial may be today (or tomorrow, or the trial that is lasting for years on end), try to see it with an eternal perspective.  Look at it through the peace you can feel through obedience and knowing that you are a son or daughter of an Eternal Father that loves you and knows you better than you know yourself.

I found this story from John Bytheway from just earlier this year.  I thought it was a wonderful illustration of having an eternal perspective...

I also love this song which also illustrates the hardships that we may face, however how they can become such a blessing.

Apr 12, 2013

It is not always the size that matters...

There is a lot of hype right now with food storage (which I totally agree with).  Everyone should have a supply of food, water and emergency supplies.  Some may only be able to have a few weeks, others my have a year.  Whatever your circumstance permits, that is what you should have and strive to build upon. 

With that said, not all food storage is created equal!  Just so you are aware.... Recently I overheard people comparing prices of food storage (which is smart!  You want to get the most bang for your buck, right? Me too!).  They were comparing prices of #10 cans of different food storage companies and stores that carry food storage.  I started a price comparison sheet, but it will take me a while to really do it, so just a note as you are purchasing items.  Don't just look at the size, but check the ounces, or how much of the product there actually is! 

If you would like a price comparison sheet, email me or message me and I will get one to you as soon as I have it done (the more interest the faster I may go).  And remember, when looking at THRIVE prices, you are able to get DEEP discounts such as FREE and 1/2 off!  Most of the other places don't give you that much of a discount.  Just contact me so we can get you all set up and getting reduced prices for AMAZING product!

Apr 10, 2013


I have been reflecting upon relationships a lot lately... Spousal relationships, friendships, extended family relationships, acquaintances... I have come to this conclusion: if it matters, then time needs to be given to it. Whatever is put in is what is reaped.

As I consider my relationships, I can see, from hindsight, how this is true. Those times when I put effort and time into the relationship it grew, was more stable, and returned ten fold! The times I became casual and did not give to the relationship, the flame would flicker. It did not always go out, however if I did not assess the relationship and decide to make a change, it would fizzle and die.

I believe that all too often we become casual in those relationships that matter most! That we take for granted those that we should appreciate the most, and moreover that we treat them as though they are not the ones that we love and rely upon.

Take the time to step back. Evaluate your relationships. Ask yourself if your voice needs softened with your loved ones. If there needs to be more meekness in your step. Do you need to  listen more intently and have more patience. Those whom we love deserve our best self. Not our left-over selves! Tomorrow is a new day. Build those relationships that matter Mose and give the, the attention they deserve!

Apr 9, 2013

"Faith is a Real Power"

I have decided to take more time to improve myself after listening to conference this past weekend.  As mothers I think we often times are so self-less we forget that to be better mothers and wives, we do need to focus on ourselves for some time each day! 

The first talk of all of conference sunk deep in my thoughts and heart.  President Boyd K. Packer spoke.  He said "Faith is a real power". 

He taught, "There are few things more powerful than the faithful prayers of a righteous mother.  Teach yourself and teach your families about the gift of the Holy Ghost and the Atonement of Christ.  You will do no greater eternal work than within the walls of your own home."

As mothers, we must take the time to first learn!  As we do this, we can do and teach.  Our children will learn not only from what we are actively trying to teach them, but they will learn from our example as well.  Then, not only will they come to know, but we will too!  Faith is a power that we can rely on when trials and tribulations come our way.  It is something to be strengthened.  It is something that is to be trusted when we do experience moments or days or even years of heartaches and struggles. 

I know that as we take the time to strengthen our faith as women, it will have a significant impact on those around us, specifically those within the walls of our homes. 

Apr 8, 2013

Mormon Monday!

Oh how I love the Monday following General Conference.  I have energy to do better and be better; even better I have new direction of how I can accomplish those desires. 

There were many great talks.  Talks that talked about what we believe, who we are, what we do.  Talks that talked about how we can become better.  With two little ones, I didn't get it all (there is too much anyway to take in all at once) but I was blessed to hear the things I needed to hear and to have my questions and concerns answered. 

If you didnt get the chance to watch or listen to it, it is already on the website!  Soon, the words will be up too, but for now you can listen or watch to the words which were spoken.


One of the many things I love about conference, is that it is kind of like a new year.  Come New Years, we make goals, have plans to do better... Conference is like that for me.  It is the start, or beginning mind you. An opportunity for me to leave the past behind and be better.  Spend more time becoming the woman, mother, wife and friend that I want to be. 

Many people have seen this, but some still have not.  There is a woman, with amazing strength who took the opportunity, to cling to what she knew to be true.  Listened to the spirit and has become a strength and example for many other people.  I loved this video she put together.  No, matter who you are, where you are in your life, what you have done or are doing, you are loved and Christ KNOWS you!

Apr 5, 2013

Peparing Your Shelves

I named this blog Preparing Your Shelves for a variety of reasons. I wanted to focus on the actual nature of preparing our shelves with food and or emergency supplies but I also wanted to be able to focus on preparing our-selves and our families for whatever trials or blessings come our way.
A perfect way that I find to prepare myself and my family for the storms that WILL come is conference. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints holds conference two times a year. This is an opportunity to listen to Apostles and the Prophet speak to us and teach us things we need to do and be.
No matter your religion, this is an excellent opportunity to be uplifted and improve and strengthen relationships and ourselves. An excellent way to "be prepared".

This is something that will be taking place Saturday and Sunday.  You can watch in some areas on t.v.'s, you can tune in on the website, or church houses will be broadcasting it. 
Enjoy your weekend and find some time to not only prepare yourself physically, but spiritually and emotionally too!

Food Storage Friday

Food storage can be frightening if you are standing on the outside and thinking about all the things one needs or should get.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has a site that can give you some tips on your food storage.  One of the best things that it says, is do not go to extremes.  Food storage is not something you need to splurge on (unless you are in a financial position to do so, and then by all means I would).  But it is something that you can build month by month as situation permits! 


I am grateful that I know that if I am building my food storage and financial reserve (as slowly or as quickly as I may be) that I will be blessed because I am doing what I can. 

Apr 4, 2013

Thrifty Thursday; THRIVE Specials

Shelf Reliance recently changed their name to THRIVE Life.  It is really fitting, if you ask me.  I have had THRIVE in my home since January and use it EVERY day!  I truly appreciated it after breaking my arm and not having the ability to cut and dice things.  However, now I appreciate it for the time saver it has become and occasional life saver (when I run out of the fresh and have two sleeping babies).  It has become a part of my life and I am very grateful for it!

Sometimes it is hard to try new things.  I know I am usually extremely hesitant when it comes to the unfamiliar.  So, for my Thrity part of today I want to offer some personally specials for THRIVE foods.  These are only available through me for the month of April.

Hosting a party has amazing benefits.  You earn 10% of all party sales, no minimum, in FREE product!  On top of that you will earn additional 50% off of more product.  Those are just your normal benefits.  For this month when you host a party with me as your consultant, I will give you a pantry size can of any fruit or vegetable that you would like to try.  If you are looking for a great opportunity to start or add to your food storage, this is the way to go!

If you are not in my area, online parties can also be done.  Contact me for further information so you can also take part in this deal.

For the month of April, anyone who signs up for "The Q" with a budge of at least $100 I will give you a #10 can of Macaroons (if Macaroons are not your idea of a good incentive, contact me and we can chat).

Finally, if you have already tried THRIVE or if you think that you would enjoy being a consultant, right now I am offering a Party Package that will have a few items in it that I will give to you to help you get to know the product better (some of my favorites or some you just want to try) when you join my team.  Be one of the first new consultants to join with the new name and get the new start up kit!   

I am enjoying getting prepared. I enjoy what I eat and use THRIVE each and every day. I know that in an emergency my family would not be turned upside down and that life could continue without too many interruptions. I am grateful for that knowledge.

Feel free to send me an email or call me.

My email is:


You can also go to my website for more information about hosting, the Q, or becoming a consultant:


Apr 3, 2013

Wild Wednesday; Others

I find great comfort in the technology our time has been blessed with. It is amazing however, how much time can be wasted using this amazing creation. I make an effort to limit my time on said devices that accompany technology.  However, some days I get lost in the world of blogging and other sources (while my house is quietly resting and I should be cleaning or making food... All things that need to be done). But somedays I am grateful for this disconnect with my chores because I have the opportunity to be inspired or learn from others. Today I ran across this post, and I wanted to share...


Hope we each take a few moments each day to reflect on what we know and create or break habits that will improve our lives.

Apr 2, 2013

Teachable Tues; Prayer and Children

I have been contemplating the importance of prayer lately. Not just for me, but my children also. Snuggles woke up one night and could not go back to sleep. I laid down beside his bed and asked him if he wanted to pray. He responded with a yes, and so we said a prayer together and he quickly returned to slumber. Now this is a far cry from other moments when we try to pray... Like bedtime for example. So, with that said, what do you do to help young children pause to pray?

Apr 1, 2013

Mormon Monday; Family Search

I know it is the end of the day, but I wanted to take a minute and check in. Genealogy is a vital aspect of many lives. People do it so they can learn about their family and the lives that were lived and know where they came from, among other reasons. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints focuses a lot on genealogy and finding ancestors. Previously, one had to be a member to use their site; however they have now changed that. Anyone can create an account and access their data base. It is so much fun to find an ancestor and select them, then occasionally see your line fill up. If you have not taken a look at it, it is more user friendly and ready for you!
