May 20, 2013

Mormon Monday

I have had many thoughts for the post today; however, someone linked to this article from Elder Oaks from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is entitled, Protect The Children.  It got me thinking about all the many children who do not have all the love and care they deserve. It is hard to think about it in the broad perspective of world, so I want to narrow down my thoughts just a bit.

I came from a house where my mother was an alcoholic. My step father had a TBI that created an uneasiness between the two of us. My home life was less than desirable (however, I am grateful for the trials I did not have to face). Looking back though, it was the people that stood up to protect me and nurture me that did not have to. Te example that many of those adults set for me are what kept me going then and are often what I now reference as a mother. In some instances, I don't believe that they had any idea of what I was facing, but they still made room for me in the protection of their "wing". This is what we have the responsibility to do! To not only love and protect our own children, but to also love and protect the other children whom come into our lives.

May we take the opportunity daily to look behind the rough edge of the children that may pass through our lives and see them as our Father in Heaven sees them and show them that unconditional love.

May 17, 2013

Food Storage Friday

Food storage encompasses so much more than just the food that we will need to eat if there comes a time to rely on what we have stored.  Think about your everyday activities.  What are some of the items that you may take for granted but you would notice if they were missing?  Dish soap, paper towels, TOILET PAPER?  I can think of many items.  Those items are also things you will want to have a supply of.  More ideas include tooth paste, cleaners, diapers, wipes, feminine products...  Think about the items that you rely on.  Make a list.  When you find a good sale, buy some extra and begin your supply.  This way you not only are building your storage but you are doing it for less and without panic. 

May 16, 2013

Thrifty Thursday Clearance

I love clearance items ( sometimes). I guess I should explain that sometimes clearance isn't really a deal. For example, there are some stores that mark things as clearance but then you compare it to normal price and it is only discounted a few cents. Don't get me wrong, a few cents adds up, but don't be fooled if you can wait for a better deal....

With that said, sometimes deals come up that don't last very long. Right now THRIVE has some food storage on clearance that once is gone, is gone... Some of the deals are really good. If you live near me and would like to put in an order with me to save on shipping, let me know. If not, shipping isn't that expensive and I love that it comes right to your door :)  For anyone who would like to do an order, I will probably do it early next week....  Here is a link to the  Clearance Deals.

May 15, 2013

A time to Grow

I think it is amazing to see how we, as a society, advance and grow.  I have noticed lateley a trend in what I read (mostly on blogs) about how people have taken their trials and successes and shared them with others.  This sharing can be looked at in multiple lights.  Some may look at it and say that they are seeking attention or yearning for approval; however I say that their experiences can make the rest of us stronger!  We can take from them and learn how to overcome challenges before or during when they occur.  I love that we are no longer afraid to share the imperfections in our lives, we all have them.  We are here to learn and if we band together, we will become stronger and harder to break. 

The purpose of mortality is to learn and to grow to be more like our Father, and it is often during the difficult times that we learn the most, as painful as the lessons may be.  -Thomas S. Monson

I think by taking the opportunity to share some of our experiences, we are able to look at our experiences and see them in different lights. Often it is a way for us to document and move on as well. As I have talked with friends it has be come obvious that we are taught to put on a good face.and not let anyone see our weaknesses.  Although I do agree with this to some extent (if we are always negative all we will see in life is the dreary) I do think that we are leading the next generation into a false future.  We are here to learn. We are here and trials will occur.  It does not show inadequacy to hurt or to cry. It shows that one has feelings and is not numb. Thank you to those who have decided to share your raw stories. Who you are and why you are that person! 

May 14, 2013


Time seems to fly with children (and at moments stand completely still).  From the time they are infants they are learning and growing.  Each moment is an opportunity to help them feel safe, loved and to feel accomplished.  We are working daily with Snuggles on speaking (which means that Bay gets just as much). We use words constantly and give ample opportunities for him to say the words.  We encourage constantly.  It made me think about life in general.  When children are young, it is easy to celebrate with them.  Each advance seems to be monumental.  Constant celebrations takes place. 
Unfortunately, as children get older, sometimes celebrations cease to be as constant or even at all.  Children are still advancing.  They are still learning.  They yearn for that approval that they once knew and helped encourage them.  I don't think that parties need to be had for every occasion, however I do think that we need to take more opportunities to celebrate our children (at any age).  Let them know they are important and that you notice their hard work and dedication.  They are important to you; share that with them!     

May 13, 2013

Something Extraordinary

I love reading about how things came to happen in history, particularly this history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. One of my favorite people to learn more about is Emma Smith. To me, she was an extrordinary woman with amazing strength and perseverance. To be honest, on days when I think I can't go any more, I can dig into stories I know of her and know that my trials can be overcome. I was recently shown this online magazine that 4 women wrote. To be honest, I have not read the entire thing yet but what I have read I enjoyed and I learned a few new things that made being a part of Relief Society even more of a special thing.

May 8, 2013

Like a Child

A video was released today that I couldn't help but talk about. It is entitled " Just Like Me". 

It is a small boy who talks about how mom cries when he cries, is broken when he is broken, shares joy when he is joyful and how really, she must want to be just like him. To all mothers who want to be just like their children, it is an honor.  On those days that seem that bedtime will never come, remember that it will be worth it. Pay offs come each and every day. Sometimes we just have to look a little harder for them. Be strong. Be the mom that cries, laughs, and breaks with your children; that is what they will remember!

May 7, 2013


As women here on this Earth we have a divine calling to nurture.  This video has been going around for mothers, but remember, if you are a woman and have any contact with those who are learning and growing, you too are a mother and are using that divine gift you have been given. 

May 6, 2013

Knit together

The phrase "knit together" means to join or grow together.  This idiom is used under many circumstances, but where I hear it most is when talking about families and relationships. 
I came from a not so "knit together" family and married into a much more "knit together" family.  It has been an amazing opportunity to see what it means and to really take a new perspecitve on the idea of being joined or to grow together. As I was growing up, I would have experiences with friends or long distance cousins who had this "knit together" atmosphere, and I always thrived on what they had.  I didn't realize then, how important it truly is.  To not only be this way with your immediate family, but to take it even further...

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has much focus on genealogy.  Their site has changed to accommodate the need to be knit together.  To not only know names associated in one's family history, but now we can attach pictures and stories.  Make it more personal.  Get to know our ancestors! 

Why is that important?  The New York Times recently had an article entitled, "The Stories that Bind Us".  This article shares research that was conducted to show how important being knit together as family is for our children (and I would dare say it helps us as adults too).  The more children are familiar with family stories (success and failure), the more capable they are when they have trials and other setbacks. 

So, for FHE tonight, or for a quiet book, maybe consider telling stories of where family has come from, what they have experienced and anything else you may know.  Family is important and the more "knit together" we are, the stronger our children will become.   

May 2, 2013

May is here

Oh my word!  April flew by and is now gone with the month of May already into full action.  Does anyone else wonder where time has gone?  Somedays seem to just lagg but then I look back and just don't know where all the time went!  Maybe I need to prioritize better... Any suggestions?

I thought for Thrifty Thursday I would share my deals for the month of May with products from Thrive Life.  These are only offered from me and they are in addition to those that the company does. 

Hosting a party has amazing benefits. You earn 10% of all party sales, no minimum, in FREE product! On top of that you will earn additional 50% off of more product. Those are just your normal benefits. For this month when you host a party with me as your consultant, I will give you a #10 size can of Fudge Brownies!  (If you are not a fudge brownie type of person, you and I can work out something else.)  If you are looking for a great opportunity to start or add to your food storage, this is the way to go!
If you are not in my area, online parties can also be done. Contact me for further information so you can also take part in this deal.

For the month of May, anyone who signs up for "The Q" with a budge of at least $100 I will give you a pantry size can of any protein you would like to try.

 Finally, if you have already tried THRIVE or if you think that you would enjoy being a consultant, right now I am offering a Party Package that will have a few items in it that I will give to you to help you get to know the product better (some of my favorites or some you just want to try) when you join my team. Be one of the first new consultants to join with the new name and get the new start up kit!   The company also has a great training program that is helping people like you and me be more successful at building our business.  Now is a great time to come abourad and build food storage and emergency supplies.

I am enjoying getting prepared. I enjoy what I eat and use THRIVE each and every day. I know that in an emergency my family would not be turned upside down and that life could continue without too many interruptions. I am grateful for that knowledge.

Feel free to send me an email or call me.

My email is:


You can also go to my website for more information about hosting, the Q, or becoming a consultant:

May 1, 2013


Being a homemaker is hard work!  There is so much to be done. Always laundry waiting to be washed or folded, food to be cooked or cleaned up, or loves to be recieved or given. 
Sometimes, I get caught up in all the "to-do's".  I feel overwhelmed by the lists of items that need accomplished.  It is always nice to have a reminder that those "to-do's" are not the most important thing that I need to be doing.  My children are the reason I do what I do, and they are my priority.  So, next time you look around your house and feel overwhelmed by the things that are not getting done, enjoy the memories you are making and the nurturing that is taking place instead.