Mar 29, 2013

Food Storage Friday

I continue to hear and see messages to encourage us to "Be Ready" for ememrgencies. Food storage and 72-hour kits are on many minds.  With it being spring, and many people "spring cleaning" I thought I would give a good reference for a 72-hour kit (or emergency supply list).  Many people like to change out supplies and check them at the time of LDS conference.  It occurs the first week of April and October of each year.  It is a good reminder to check your supplies and make sure they are fresh and fit (notice the fit... It is good to keep a change of clothes for each person.  If you have little ones this is really important to remember!). 

Sometimes it can be overwhelming to look at the list.  Round up what you have around your house and then each week buy 1 thing to help build your supply (whether it be food storage or for your emergency supply kit).  Keep in mind, you need to be able to access and take your kit with you in case an emergency happens near your home and you only have seconds to evacuate. 

Mar 26, 2013

Teachable Tuesday: Mothers as Teachers

Sometimes being a "stay at home" mom can be somewhat redundant...  Sometimes we forget what AMAZING women we are and all the things that we are accomplishing!  Just know, that as a mother (whether you are able to stay home full time or part time) you are doing amazing work! 
I found these this morning while getting ready for the day.  If you have some spare moments, take a quick listen.  It reminded me of how important I am and that I am constantly teaching my sweet children!

(Picture from )

Mar 25, 2013

Mormon Monday Resurrection FHE

With small kids I have realized the importance of making sure they understand why we celebrate the holidays we do.  I have been trying to do a count-down to Easter with them and have not done so well.  Maybe next year will go better and be more comprehensible for them.  For family night tonight, I thought it would be fun to talk more about it.  My kids LOVE searching for easter eggs and so I decided to make a different spin on something I had found.  Sugardoodle has a TON of really cute things.  I found a file folder game on there and decided to instead use the pictures and put them into the eggs.  That way the kids will find the eggs and then something about Jesus inside.  We can also match them if we have time.

Here is the site for where I found it;

Hopefully, if you needed a quick, fun idea this may be of help for you!

Mar 21, 2013

Thrifty Thursday Mowers and Laundry

It seems like there have been a lot of really good deals lately... But I thought I would just share my families favorite for this week and then one other tip...

Snuggles loves his bubble lawn mower.  Unfortunately, it is difficult to share a lawn mower with a younger sister.  Luckily for us, they came on sale this week!  At Toys R Us the Fisher Price bubble mowers are on sale for $9.99!  They are normally $19.99 (that is how much they were at Target too and I didn't see them at Walmart).  So, if you need a little bubble mower for your child to push around while you are doing yard work; this is the week!

It has been the "new" thing to make your own laundry detergent.  It is rather inexpensive and seems to last for ages.  I was worried about finding a space for all of it, the potency running out and a few other misc reasons that I kept telling myself not to do it.  However, my big 35 pound container of detergent was close to being gone so I decided to plunge into the DIY world of laundry detergent.  I found a recipe that was smaller.  So, I don't have to worry about it not working as well when I get to the end of my batch in about a year.  I will have to take about a half hour in a few months to make another batch, but it is so worth it!  It was SO simple and so far, it works great!  It isn't the prettiest but if that bothers you, just use a different soap.  Here is the link to what I used!

The Fels-Naptha bar is one that most people use (I used this kind...)  It makes your detergent a yellow-ish color.  There is a Zote bar that turns it pink!  I think I will try that kind after my Fels-Naptha is gone.  But in this recipe she used just a softsoap kind. 


Well, if you have been considering it, here is another plug for it!  It was SO cheap to buy the ingredients and easy to make!  I love it.  I honestly don't know if I will ever go back!

Mar 20, 2013

Wild Wednesday Ratios

I have been contemplating this idea for some time, but due to recent events in my life, I have found myself really trying to put it into action.  When I was working on my Pscychology degree I remember hearing about it.  It didn't really sink in though... Then I began teaching elementary school and we were in a district that was making significant changes because of NCLB.  One of the items the school I worked at decided to practice this ratio effect.  That is the first time I really understood the reason for it and what an impact it could have (on my students at least).  After leaving the working "out of home" world, I have once again began seeing the importance of ratios!  In my marriage, with my children, with other family members; how their ratios impact me, and also how my thinking ratios impact me... 

Now, you are saying to yourself, "what is she rambling on about ratios for?  I didn't understand them in math, why do I want to read about them now?"  Stick with me... I promis I am getting there.

In life we experience hardships with triumph, wins and losses, blessings and trials.  Without one we cannot understand the other.  However, when the negatives begin to outweigh the positives we can see a deterioration in living.  Have you ever noticed that when all you hear are negatives and things that are going wrong, it makes it hard to push forward? 

So, in an effort to be better, I have been trying to focus on the ratios I use in my life.  80 to 20 is the ideal positive to negative ratio (that I remember and have been trying to do.  If there is a different ratio please correct me).  What this means that in your daily communications (children, spouse, co-workers, YOURSELF)  you need to say four positive things in exchange for ONE  negative!  4:1!  Now, I am not saying that there isn't a place for correction.  There is a 1 there.  But as you are going through your daily routine, see where your ratios are at.  Maybe take an opportunity to try this 80 to 20 ratio and see how your day will change.  You may be surprised at how much not only you change, but those around you do too!

Mar 14, 2013

Thrifty Thursday

Sometimes being "thrifty" is not just about saving money at the grocery store or when making purchases.  As technology has increased it is amazing to see all the new apps that are created to help save and earn money... 

I have listed a few of my favorites.   I know that many people have found great ways to make and save money.  If you have found one that I did not list, that you have tried, let us know so we can give it a shot too!  Sorry they aren't fancy... with time, maybe I will figure out how to be a better blogger, but for now, here is my attempt.'n%20Tara/YZ5kTI5raydfErLIO7rwD61A==AB
Everyone grocery shops, and this app allows you to get paid for items you have purchased.  They pay through check or PayPal.  All you have to do is buy items that they have on their offers, and then take a picture of the reciept!
Another app that has over 37 retailers.  You just take a picture of your receipt and get cash via PayPal!  It doesn't take very long and the items are things I use all the time.
Ever wondered how people get gift cards for free?  This is one great way, and it works!  If you use Swagbucks, they will reward you with what they call Swagbucks and you can redeem them for gift cards.  I usually use mine to get Amazon gift cards, but there are several other places as well.  I will do the daily poll and the NOSO each day.  They take just a few minutes and the points add up. If you use it as your search engine, you can get more points too! 

<a href="">
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This is where I print all my coupons and get paid $0.10 per coupon I use!  I also "read" all the emails and get $0.02 each one I open!  Some people do surveys as well and that helps accrue money a lot quicker.  I occasionally do them, but if you don't have much time reading the emails and using the coupons is a quick way to get a little extra money. 

Those are just a few things that I do each day or time I go shopping.  Sometimes it may not be much I am earning, but every penny adds up.  If you have others, post below!

Mar 4, 2013

Mormon Monday

I hope everyone had an excellent weekend.  I know I enjoyed the time I had with my family.  Last night as we were sitting down to eat dinner my husband realized that there was a CES fireside being broadcast.  I love technology!  We grabbed the iPad and watched it while we ate (I know, I know...  dinner time should be a time to un-plug, but I am grateful that we didn't last night).  The broadcast was from Elder Bednar. 

They entitled it, "That We Might Not Shrink".  As we listened, it brought life into a different perspective.  Often times we think of our trials and know we would have faith to be healed, but would we have faith to not be healed?  If you didn't have the opprotunity to listen to it, take the time.  You will not regret it!

Mar 1, 2013

Food Storage Friday

Have you thought about starting your food storage?  It can be an overwhelming thought!  I searched the internet for days looking for quantities of what I would need for my family of four.  What is cool with Shelf Reliance, is they have a program that can help get you comfortable with what you need and how much you need of it.  It is called The Q!  You create a custom plan for your family.  It asks you who and for how long.  It then creates a list, that you can edit, for what you would need to survive!  It is AWESOME!  You can go to this link and just play with things if you would like...
That was a helpful start for me because I felt so overwhelmed by everything out there.  I just knew I needed food...  
I have a friend who, for the last 30 days has been living exclusively on her food storage.  She wanted to see how it would really be and what they used.  If you would like to look at her blog, she documented the ups and downs, and also the recipes she used.  You can visit it at .  She found in her actuall 33 days that she loved knowing that she could create healthy balanced meals.  That her family enjoyed eating their food storage and that she needed more fruit!  I can totally see that.  Snuggles just came in with the pears for a snack.  He loves them. 

So, as you are preparing your shelves, remember to store more fruit (I would also say veggies because my kids enjoy snacking on those too).  If the time comes that you have to live off of your food storage, you will want to be prepared!