Dec 6, 2013

Hosting a Party

THRIVE Life is one of the best companies to host a party for! And it is a great time to host one!  With the new year right around the corner, lots of goals will be set on "being prepared".  This is how we got started with Thrive Life and the company makes it easy to keep working on the goal and not quitting.  December is a great time to go into the new year with a push to be prepared.

Hosts are rewarded with free and discounted items.  No matter what is purchased or how much is purchased you will receive 10% in free product (at retail price).  On top of that when $400 or more is purchased at your party you will begin to receive half-off items!  For a table on amounts go HERE.

For the month of December, if you host a party and have at least $400 in qualifying  party sales or 2 Qs processed at your party you will get a THRIVE Minced Garlic (dehydrated) for free!  This is not available any other way!  For all the information on this promotion, go HERE.

The above picture is one of the host's rewards after a party.  She got everything here for free or 1/2 off!  She was able to fill her 72 hour kits and begin her food storage!

You can do this too!  All you have to do is tell your friends/family about it, provide a place to have the party and I will do the rest!  Lets get your party scheduled so you can get a free Garlic Spice and begin the new year with a whole lot more food storage!


Dec 4, 2013


I am enjoying the end of this year and the excitement of Christmas, but with the releasing of the 2014 curriculum for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I can't help but be excited for the new year.

The theme for the youth (mutual age 12-18) will be "Come Unto Christ"!  I love this theme.  It is an excellent opportunity for the youth to focus on learning about the Savior and coming to know him and what his sacrifice means to them individually.

The primary also has announced their 2014 theme which will be, "Families are Forever".  I love that the focus will be on teaching the children that the family is eternal and Heavenly Father loves each of them so much, that he prepared a way for them to return with him.

I am excited for the new year and the opportunities we are given to better complete ourselves and continue working on what is most important.  I am looking forward to 2014!  It will be an amazing year!

Dec 3, 2013


I got my Black Friday order!  My kids were so excited to see the boxes next to the door when they got up from their naps!  They love any sort of box, but they love when food comes in it; so it was an even better surprise for them.  Hopefully, you were able to get some things you wanted too!

The December specials also made it to my inbox today!  I am so excited.  I have been waiting for sauces to come on Specials, and this month it is even better than just a special, it is the Q-Pon!  You can do so many things with the sauces!  And this way, you get the 4 pack for a great discount.  I also love the pineapple chunks (if you didn't get them with the black Friday sale), the carrot dices (I used them in our chicken noodle soup tonight) and the apple slices and banana slices!

If you are wanting to start building your food storage in this upcoming year, you can begin now and get some great deals!  I love how THRIVE simplifies my cooking (not so much washing and chopping) and provides me with healthy snacks for my kiddos while I also stock up on items for the unknown!  Give me a call if you want to make an order or have any questions!