Feb 28, 2013

Thrifty Thursday

I am in awe of women (and men) who find time each day to post blogs.  I really thought I could do it, however I have had a realization that blogging each day is not in my cards.  I guess I just need to make it a habit; however, I enjoy losing my time in the presence of my children.  What better place to be, than with them... 

However, I did want to take a moment to post tonight.  Tomorow is the beginning of MARCH!  Where has this year gone?  It seems as though it was just Christmas.  I have now been using my THRIVE products for over a month and I just wanted to share with you how AMAZING they are.  My kids love eating the fruits and veggies for snacks!  We have already eaten all of the peaches that we began with and most of the strawberries and raspberries.  The corn is looking pretty sparce as well!  I love that Snuggles in particular, will open up the pantry, get out a can of what he wants and eat that.  It is so much healthier than what he used to do.  He will eat more things now too.  That is Tylers favorite part about it.  Another thing I love is that I haven't had to chop many veggies.  I broke my arm right before I started using THRIVE and honestly could not cut things.  It was too painful and my arm just would not bend that way.  Some of the items I ordered came just one or two days after and it was a blessing.  I was still able to have onions, celery and carrots in  my foods and I didn't have to go through the time and pain (not just the fact I don't enjoy cutting kind of pain, but physical pain it really did cause) of cutting them.  I just opened my can and dumped in what I wanted.  However, what is even better is how THRIVE has saved me a couple times.  On Valentines day I went to make a cake.  I had all my dry ingredients mixed and was working on the liquid when I realized I was OUT of eggs!  Both kids were sleeping and I really did not want to wake them for eggs to say the least (for a cake that we really did not HAVE to have).  So, as I was thinking about what else I could do, I remembered I had gotten whole eggs.  I pulled them out, opened them up and used them!  I even ate some of the batter (I don't ever do this... so that was a big thing for me).  And I now use the THRIVE eggs every time I make a cake, or almost anything I have baked.  I LOVE them. 

I will stop my raving (mostly just because I am tired and still have other things that are pressing my time).  I wanted to give you the opportunity to try THRIVE too.  For the month of March I will be doing a personal deal.  If you host a party using me as your consultant I will give you a pantry size can of any fruit or vegetable you would like to try.  For those of you who are not close to me, others have hosted online parties that have done really well.  Contact me for further information if this is the route you would like to go so that you can also take advantage of this deal.  For anyone who signs up for "the Q"  with a budget of at least $100 I will give you a #10 can of Macaroons (if Macaroons are not your idea of a good incentive, contact me and we can chat).  Remember, these deals are only through me.  If you have already tried THRIVE or if you think that you would enjoy being a consultant, right now I am offering a Party Package that will have a few items in it that I will give to you to help you get to know the product better. 

I am enjoying getting prepared.  I enjoy what I eat and use THRIVE each and every day.  I know that in an emergency my family would not be turned upside down and that life could continue without too many interruptions.  I am grateful for that knowledge. 

Feel free to send me an email or call me.

My email is:

You can also go to my website for more information about hosting, the Q, or becoming a consultant:

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