Feb 11, 2013

Mormon Mondays

So, as I have been pondering things lately, I thought how fun it would be to have a theme for each day.  Now, I am not promising to write each day (although that would be nice) but for the days I do write I will attempt to fit it into my theme... Here it goes. 

Mormon Monday: (I would say LDS, but it just doesn't work with any days of the week) On Mondays when I write I will try to post or do something that can help at church or for FHE or it may just be a thought...  We will see!

Teachable Tuesday:  I try to teach my kids new things each day.  Like I said in my first post, I am trying to put a preschool curriculum together.  Maybe I will share those ideas on Tuesdays or crafts...  Something where someone can learn.

Wild Wednesday:  This could be anything.  Or nothing.

Thrifty Thursdays:  I am HUGE on saving money.  I coupon.  I price match.  I think I am on a lot of people's hit lists when I am shopping...  But I will share things with you on these days of how I am attempting to save my family money.

Food storage Friday:  Part of be self reliant is being prepared.  I will share things I have learned, tricks or deals on food storage and emergency preparedness.

Saturdays and Sundays are for my family.  You won't be hearing much of anything on those days. 

So to end my long post...  Today is Mormon Monday.  Now, I need to begin by saying I like to make things.  I used to be super crafty and enjoyed that hobby.  Since getting married and having kids, this is something that has pretty much disappeared.  I don't do it.  So with that said, this isn't really crafty.  It isn't even creative.  But it is something.  I created this to put into a 4x6 photo album that will join us at church and in the mornings and before bed time (those are the times we struggle most with prayers.  The kids seem to do better at meal time).  The images I got off of LDS clip art. 



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