Mar 21, 2013

Thrifty Thursday Mowers and Laundry

It seems like there have been a lot of really good deals lately... But I thought I would just share my families favorite for this week and then one other tip...

Snuggles loves his bubble lawn mower.  Unfortunately, it is difficult to share a lawn mower with a younger sister.  Luckily for us, they came on sale this week!  At Toys R Us the Fisher Price bubble mowers are on sale for $9.99!  They are normally $19.99 (that is how much they were at Target too and I didn't see them at Walmart).  So, if you need a little bubble mower for your child to push around while you are doing yard work; this is the week!

It has been the "new" thing to make your own laundry detergent.  It is rather inexpensive and seems to last for ages.  I was worried about finding a space for all of it, the potency running out and a few other misc reasons that I kept telling myself not to do it.  However, my big 35 pound container of detergent was close to being gone so I decided to plunge into the DIY world of laundry detergent.  I found a recipe that was smaller.  So, I don't have to worry about it not working as well when I get to the end of my batch in about a year.  I will have to take about a half hour in a few months to make another batch, but it is so worth it!  It was SO simple and so far, it works great!  It isn't the prettiest but if that bothers you, just use a different soap.  Here is the link to what I used!

The Fels-Naptha bar is one that most people use (I used this kind...)  It makes your detergent a yellow-ish color.  There is a Zote bar that turns it pink!  I think I will try that kind after my Fels-Naptha is gone.  But in this recipe she used just a softsoap kind. 


Well, if you have been considering it, here is another plug for it!  It was SO cheap to buy the ingredients and easy to make!  I love it.  I honestly don't know if I will ever go back!

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