Feb 6, 2014

Powdered EGG!?!

Whenever I talk with people about saving money and or food storage, I usually get the question, "what is one of your favorite items to use and store?"  When I respond with Whole Eggs I usually get that look of, EGG!?!

But, it is!  Besides just snacking on the fruits and vegetables and my tomato powder, Whole Egg is my most commonly used food storage item that my family THRIVES on in our daily living.  

Let me tell you a few reasons WHY...

 1.  I LOVE to eat dough!  Cookie, cake, brownie...  The list goes on, but I am a little queasy at the thought of eating RAW egg in that dough.  Don't get me wrong, it would still taste good. It is just the thought of that slimy egg that just makes me cringe... (I thought about inserting stringy eggy picture to illustrate, but I will spare you!).  When I use my powdered egg, I don't have that problem anymore!

2.  Eggs have been a little pricey lately.  Sometimes I can get 18 eggs for $1.99 (but usually it is a little more than that.  Do the math and each egg is $.11 .  With powdered eggs I only pay $.10 (when they aren't on sale... this month it would be $.09) per egg.
3.  Eggs at my house get used a LOT!  Both kinds! But the shelf life of my eggs is far less than that of powdered.  Plus, when I run out of the kind I have to crack open I can still make goodies with the powdered!

-Just another thought on egg powder.  I use mine mainly for baking; however, when reconstituted and cooked for scrambled eggs, it is comparable to the REAL thing!  Most people wouldn't know the difference.  Just FYI

***  The shelf life of powdered egg is much less than other foods!  3 years is the average shelf life (of unopened egg- 1 year once it is opened).  So, if you have powdered egg, pull it out and start using it.  Don't be afraid!  You can do it!!!

This was  a #10 can.  I began using it February 2013 and just finished it yesterday!  Perfect timing!  I used it in all my baking!  And Ty didn't even know!

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