Nov 18, 2013

A Hard Time

Sometimes it seems as though life is in a rut.  That things keep piling up and are just too overwhelming to overcome. With all the movement of life we expect picture perfect moments.  Ones that we see on blogs, Facebook, instagram, (insert whatever social network or means by which you feel not good enough or that you are not living up to what you "should" be, or that your life is not as "good" as theirs).  We are each on this Earth to have opportunities to become the best self we can be.  Not anyone else's self, our own.  I recently saw a quote that said, "it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are".  I love it.  We each are given our own pains, trials, and things to overcome in life.  Not one of us will experience the same things because not one of us is the same.  We are NOT alone though!  We have a loving Heavenly Father that is eager to hear what we have to tell him.  During this time of year we are more aware of our blessings (which is wonderful) but it is alright to occasionally say, "Hope ya know, I had a hard time".  He wants to give you comfort and help you through your "hard time".  He may not take it away, but he is there and will help you through WHATEVER you are experiencing.  I know this to be true.  I have felt his love for me, even in those moments when I just KNEW I didn't deserve it.  His love for me is unconditional and my knowledge of it only grows as I let him in.  You are not alone.  Let him in as this season continues.  Be grateful for your many blessings but find comfort in your heartaches, pains and trials.  

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